Giving from Need

In beginning my time serving with the PHJC Volunteer Program in Mexico, what took my breath away even more effectively than the wall of heat and humidity that raced up to meet me as I stepped off of the plane was the overwhelming hospitality and generosity of the community that I was stepping into. Everywhere I turned, I was greeted with such warmth, welcoming, and love. The Sisters took me into their home, shared their lives with me, laughed, prayed, and relaxed with me, guided and counseled me…The people breathing life into the various ministries that I was invited into, both those being served and those serving, encouraged and instructed me, welcomed me to walk with them, offered me another perspective, answered my endless stream of questions with saintly patience…Even the seemingly disperse range of neighbors, Church members, and Poor Handmaid associates who so eagerly embraced me quickly formed another supportive circle of community for me, mentoring me in Mexican life and customs, uplifting me with ready smiles and warm hugs, and offering their wisdom and insights in ways big and small.
The lessons I’ve learned and graces I’ve received from this incredible mix of beautiful souls are too numerous to count, but one of the aspects of life here which has been most profoundly moving for me is the powerful witness of true generosity so effortlessly lived out by people young and old. From the unhesitating readiness to give to those most affected by the devastating earthquakes to actions as small and seemingly insignificant as the care and attention shown to visitors, who are always enthusiastically received with the offer of a seat and usually some refreshment, welcoming the other as Christ and caring for them as self seems to come so naturally, to be ingrained in the very fabric of life.
Yet what truly astonishes me about this immense charity of spirit is where it is found. Those who most deeply delight in giving, who are most eager to share what they have, are those with the least to spare. The generosity I have encountered here is the generosity of Christ; it’s a living, breathing testament to a Gospel which calls us out of ourselves, challenging us to give not of our leftovers, our scraps, our extra, but of our need, of our very selves. It’s the generosity of the poor widow in Mark 12, who offered more with her two small coins than the wealthy contributed with all their riches combined. My heart is deeply convicted by this example of true selflessness and love, which rocks my comfortable world and summons me out of my self-preoccupation and concern. As I reflect on my own life, on the many opportunities to pour myself out for others which I have let slip past unanswered, I can hear the words of Christ ringing in my ears, piercing my soul: “She, from her poverty, has contributed all she had, her whole livelihood.”(Mk 12:43-44).