Confidentiality Agreement for Volunteers Confidentiality-Agreement As a volunteer of the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ Volunteer Program, I understand that I may have access to confidential information, both verbal and written, relating to clients, volunteers or staff and the organization. I further understand, and agree, that all such information is to be treated confidentially and discussed only within the boundaries of my volunteer position in the PHJC Volunteer Program. I also agree not to discuss these same matters after I have left my volunteer position at this organization. I further understand that breach of this agreement shall constitute grounds for and may result in termination of my volunteer status with this organization except where such disclosure is consistent with stated policy and relevant legislation. (Please sign below to indicate your acceptance and agreement with these terms outlined above.)Date(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Please type your full name(Required) First Last Volunteer Signature(Required)PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.