We believe living with “enoughness” allows abundance for all.

Therefore, when making decisions we are mindful of our ecological footprint, equity in the workplace, and protection of those most vulnerable in our society.


We believe simple sustainable actions ripple out to affect our social, economic, environmental and cultural ecologies.

Therefore, we interact with moral and ethical integrity in all our relationships.


We believe we work best from realizing our potential to evolve our thinking.

Therefore, we go beyond problem-solving to stimulate emerging systemic change.


We believe simple presence and prayer contribute to healing our world.

Therefore, we embrace contemplation, compassion, active listening and the joyful celebration of life.


We believe all life has an inherent right to thrive.

Therefore, we support the rights of all aspects of creation and commit to standing with those whose rights are denied.


We believe in the dignity of differences.

Therefore, we respect and make space for difference and diversity that co-exists in a pluralistic, multicultural world.


We believe in minimizing dualism and maximizing integration.

Therefore, we honor distinction, complementarity and unity rather than division and rupture in our relationships with nature and one another.


We believe that every -ism denies others the respect, dignity and rights due to them.

Therefore, we call ourselves and others to accountability in contributing to stereotypes, prejudice and bigotry of any kind.

We believe in the vision of communities in communion with one another.

Therefore, our relationship with others is expressed by transparency, communication, respect for and trust of questioning and mutual accountability.  


We believe in the interdependence of the whole community of creation.

Therefore, we are called to promote by our attitude and action the ideal that all must have equal access to essential resources both for their good and the advancement of the common good.


We believe in the interdependence of the local and the global (“glocal”).

Therefore, our contributions and use of resources are chosen to build capacity for effecting both our neighborhood and our planet.


We believe in seeking the common good.

Therefore, we both relate to and serve the whole with a sense of responsibility for engaging in teamwork, collaboration and partnering.   

We believe the will of the Spirit is the flourishing of all life.

Therefore, we are called to listen to the voices of the whole community of life, both the needs and the wisdom of the human and the nonhuman aspects of creation.


We believe the Spirit’s wisdom is revealed in the context of our relationships and experiences.

Therefore, we are called to be keenly attentive to our interactions and care for one another and the rest of creation.


We believe the Spirit leads through our collective wisdom.

Therefore, we are called to offer our gifts and receive others’ gifts in a wonderful mix of perception, creativity and vision.


We believe the Spirit beckons us to the ongoing evolution of our planet and the entire universe.

Therefore, we are called to explore the dynamic possibilities of co-creating with God a future of justice and unity.